7 Must Have School Accessories Every Student Should Have

Schools demand even more from the student today than in the past. They have to keep on their toes in order to soak up all the information that comes across them every day. It is sort of a blink, and you miss it way. Therefore, the student needs to be settled and ready. In this list, we cover accessories that most students require. If not for anything, they are accessories that will definitely make their life much easier.

The accessories in this list cover a wide spectrum of appliances a student needs. You probably have some of the items in this list with you. If you miss something, then check to see if it will be of benefit to you in your tutoring. Furthermore, the items in this list have rather transcended the classroom. Therefore, you will be able to use them today, or in the near future. Check Out 8 Must Have Tech Gadgets for College Students


List Of 7 Must Have School Accessories Every Student Should Have:

#1 The Rocket Wave Notebook

The Rocket Wave Notebook

Visibly students need a place to annotate down notes, for further understanding and revision. This is the core of schooling, and that is why they need a notebook. The good old trusted paper notebook is the go-to for most people. However, it does come with some disadvantages. For one, think about the number of trees cut, in order for you to use that disposable piece of paper. With the decline in forest covers over the world, the cost of producing books has risen rapidly.

Fortunately, for us, technology is creeping into our education system. We do not see this trend slowing down anytime soon. As you can see, libraries are closing down to accommodate a futuristic view of things. Nowadays, you find students in a library, reading some eBook from the internet. Probably because of the free internet connectivity and/or peace and quiet. This is certainly not because of hard paper books. In the case of notebooks, the market seemed not to have caught up. Finally, it has with the rocket wave notebook.

The rocket wave notebook tries to mimic an ordinary notebook in many ways. For example, the surface on it has a paper type of texture. It gives the end user a feeling of familiarity. There are many advantages to having it. Perhaps the most significant reason for purchasing it is having an unlimited space for writing. When you write on normal paper, it is sort of cast in stone.

Once the book fills up, you have to buy another one. However, with the rocket wave notebook, all you need is internet connectivity. You can connect to cloud services such as Dropbox and Google drive. Your files are stored in different formats, such as pdf or word. With it, you have virtually unlimited storage space, and best of all you can access your notes easily.

Can you imagine getting notes from what you wrote ten years ago? The risks involved in losing your notes are kept at a bare minimum, thanks to the modern era notebook. There are also other advantages to having this notebook. To name a few, it has an anti-glare screen. This means, reading an eBook in the sun will not be an issue. This happens on other surfaces such as a smartphone. You can even scan notes from their app, and save directly to your cloud services. The possibilities are limitless.

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#2 Laptop:


For the modern student, it is important to keep up with current trends. Evidently, in the past decade technology has moved leaps and bound. However at the core of it are computers. Nowadays it is unfathomable to get into a class without the need for a computer. Computers have become affordable of late, making them accessible to many people throughout the world. In many circles, having a computer does not mean you are a step ahead.

It means you are at par with the modern student. We are cognizant of how tech evolves rapidly. Time and again, leaving the previous versions obsolete. Luckily, to stay at par with other, you can tweak some things on the computer, and they do not have a high depreciation rate. Take for example a car, you find a version released a year later with far better performance and tech than its predecessor. With computers, however, you will not face this issue as such, since the jump in specs takes more years.

Notice we said a laptop, rather than a computer. A computer means a desktop is in the fold too. Some students may prefer a desktop. This is probably because it is a tad bit cheaper. To some, for example, a graphics student, it is advisable to get a desktop. The reason being you can change some of its specification easier.

More importantly, you can add a graphics card to it, which is cheaper to have on a desktop than a laptop. Why we choose a laptop, is because of the portability. Laptops nowadays are so light. They have a nostalgic feeling, as though you are carrying your notebooks. The best part about it, with a laptop, data from unlimited sources of notes on the internet are easily accessible. It is difficult to fathom going through school without a laptop, for the up-to-date scholar.

#3 Power Bank:

Power Bank

With all the technology around us, they undeniably need the power to keep them running. More often than not, a student finds that they do not have a power source to keep their laptop or smartphone running. Rather than looking for a power source when you are out of juice, why not get yourself a power bank.

It would be disappointing to run out of power when you are reading for an assignment on a smart device. It would be sort of, ‘the dog ate my homework excuse’ when you have power banks readily available, and affordable.

Recently, power banks have been so powerful, to even charge laptops. Some even incorporate a solar system in them to ensure you are always up-to-date with what is important. As long as the sun shines of course. Some even come with fast charging features to boot.

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Meaning, if you usually charge your phone from zero to one hundred percent for three hours, it may take probably an hour to charge your phone. Some pack energy to charge your phone ten times over. The statistics for choosing are so wide. The options the modern user has are virtually unlimited. With a bit of research, you are bound to get the right power bank for your needs as a student.

#4 Storage Devices:

Storage Device

Technology is fused in almost all fragments of our existence. This could not be truer than for the modern student. With the data involved in a student’s life, sharing is at the core of it. So too is storing your information. We foresee a future in which most of our files will back up to the cloud. However, this is not a solution for the masses. Many parts of the world are not connected satisfactorily to the internet. For this, a student may need a storage device, such as an external hard drive or a memory card.

Even in the most connected institutions, the internet can have some reliability issues. Consequently, you find even those with the fastest internet having a storage device close by. With this type of accessory, you have a trusted location to store or share your data.

#5 Pens and Pencils:

Pens and Pencil

Pens and pencils are at the core of every student. Every student has a pen and/or pencil to annotate some of the things they learn. However not all pen and pencils are made equal. It is important for the student to find the best type of pen. Get some that fit your style of writing, to achieve a smooth flow of things. For an art student, it is critical they ensure they get the best set for their tutoring. The right pencil for this type of students can be the difference between flunking and passing a test.

The tried and tested pen is not going anywhere, anytime soon. There are many varieties. The biggest differentiating factor is obviously color. Some pens have different ink textures. Some smudge easily or dry up fast ans also, have a rubber grip towards the tip. These are worthy if you are writing long notes.

When it comes to pencils, there is a wide range of what to choose from. It generally depends on the thickness of the tip of the graphite used. There is a standard size, or your tutor will advise you on the requirements if need be. We have also come across, what we call mechanical pencils. Rather than sharpening your pencils when blunt, you have the option to swap the tip for another one.

The option a student has is vast. We recommend having a set of pens with two different colors and a standard pencil. Do not forget to procure a decent rubber that does not smudge on your paper. Getting a highlighter is also an excellent choice for the modern student. As you write, read or revise, highlighting a text makes one understand the key points faster. Thus when going through your notes, you are able to outline the important stuff.

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#6 Cables and Ties:

Cables and Tie


With the plethora of devices and gadgets, the modern day student has, it is important to get compatible accessories. There are multiple types of connectors, some unique to different devices. For example, new iPhones use type c cables. Most androids use type b cables.  In the course of your study, you will most likely have a need for these different types of connectors at some point.

To circumnavigate this issue, some cable manufacturers have incorporated a single cable with different types of end connections. Alternatively, there are adapters to enable use on your device. This lets you escape the mess of many cables, some that you may never use. Ties are also useful to keep things under control to a good extent.

With good management, and storing your cables correctly, they may serve you for a long time. There are also different types of cables. The most profound thing to look at is the quality. There has been an influx of low-quality cables in the market. Ensure you buy a cable from a reputable manufacturer.

There is nothing as terrible as needing to charge your phone, and the only problem is that the cable is bust. Also, look at the speed rating in a cable. That is if it can transfer data. This is often overlooked. Nonetheless, some cables transfer data 3 times faster than conventional cables. That is in the right setting of course.

#7 Backpack:


A backpack is essential for students globally. There are some factors to consider when hunting for the right backpack for you. First, it should be comfortable enough for you to carry. Paddings on the sleeve go a long way into relieving some pressure on you. Secondly, gauge to see the number of book and accessories like a laptop that you will need. If the compartments are enough and well placed for you then, you found the right fit.

Backpacks have not been left behind when it comes to technology. Some backpacks even act as a power bank, where you can charge your electrical devices. With this type of bag, then there is no need for a power bank in the first place. There are many shapes, designs, and sizes of backpacks in the current market. With all the options out there, you are bound to get the perfect fit for your needs.


The school accessories in this list are meant to make the life of a student easy. Research shows that with the right tools, students perform much better in tests. This is intuitive too. That is why you find students from poor backgrounds; perform dismally, compared to others from ‘urban schools’. There is a huge gap in the accessories index. Nevertheless, the items in this list go a long way into bridging this gap.

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